You’re a Strong Female Character.

Are you tired, stressed, and discouraged because toxic situations or people
keep interfering with your Badass Self? Don’t worry: You’ve got this!
Let’s get you the tools and strategies you need to get through the woods
so you can take aim for where you really want to be in life!

Hi, I’m Jessica.

I’m familiar with manipulative behaviors and toxic cycles that can drain your energy, fog your thinking, and make everything else in life become an uphill battle, including the roller coaster journey that is recovery. I’ve applied what I learned from my most difficult adventure to other areas of my life to minimize the impact toxic people and situations would otherwise have on me and my energy.

Now I want to share with you the mindsets and practical skills that will empower you to navigate and rise above toxic situations with confidence. Learn how to become the Boss and Badass of your own life, allowing you to focus your time and energy on what and who you really love. And let me just tell you: Your life can be INCREDIBLE. Let’s get you there!

 Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash